Saturday, December 22, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

Kristen's Hotel has been doing breakfast with Santa for the last few years. I have gone almost every year and always looked forward to it. This year was even more fun with Layni. She did pretty good on Santa's lap. She didn't really like him but she didn't freak out either. It was a fun weekend get away for us!

Temple Square

We met my family in Salt Lake at Hires and then went to Temple Square. I haven't been for a couple of years and Cole hadn't been for a lot of years! The lights are so pretty and it was really fun to walk around and spend time with family  Layni did pretty good, but did get a little fussy and eventually fell asleep on the walk back to the Hotel.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Tami took these darling pictures for our first ever picture Christmas card. Tami is very talented and did a great job. These were taken above Wasatch State Park and it is so beautiful up there!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Layni


I love taking pictures of Layni. She is very good at looking at the camera. Sometimes I get a big smile and sometimes I get a blank stare, but she is always so cute! She is noticing Jake a lot more and laughs when she sees him. As long as she has her thumb and her blankie, she loves to snuggle! This little girl has brought so much happiness to our lives, we just love her so much!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

St. George

We enjoyed a fun weekend in St. George for the Lucas reunion! It was so much fun to see family that we don't get to see that often. Layni did great and is becoming quite the little traveler.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


We went camping with Cole's parents Father's Day weekend to the East Fork of the Bear River. Cole's parents just bought a trailer and this was the first time taking it out. We had a great time and great weather! Layni did awesome as usual!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter weekend with family! Saturday we spent the day at Tami's house with the Fife family. Tami's mother-in-law bought Layni a darling Easter dress to match the ones she made for the girls. Sunday we spent the day with Cole's family at Slaterville park. It was a beautiful, sunny day and Layni participated in her first Easter egg hunt!

Friday, March 30, 2012

6 Weeks

Our sweet Layni J. is 6 weeks old. I can't believe how fast she is growing! At her 4 week appointment she weighed 11 pounds and is already 22 1/2 inches long! She sleeps through the night, with a few exceptions, but most nights she sleeps 6-8 hours. We are sure grateful to have such a beautiful, healthy and happy baby!
Yesterday we spent the day with Tami, Gabrielle and Tabitha. We had such a fun time! It's so cute watching the girls with Layni. They love to tickle her and talk sweet to her and they are always making sure she is comfortable and warm.