Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Layni J

I can't believe our sweet Layni J is already 1. This year has gone by so fast! It has been so much fun to watch Layni grow and to see her little personality develop. She is so funny and so sweet! We celebrated her birthday with a dragon fly party. It turned out really well and she got a lot of gifts! Tami made her shirt and her bow and she also made the napkin holders, which turned out so cute! Layni had a cold but was still very happy. It is great to have a wonderful family that loves and supports us! Once the party was over and we cleaned up, she fell asleep in literally 30 seconds. She was pooped!

Layni J 1 Year

Tami took these darling pictures of Layni for her 1 year photos. Tami is very talented and did such a great job! We are so lucky to have such a great photographer in the family!